2014 Beard Trimmer Purchase Guide

Beard Trimmer / Electric Shaver Purchase Guide   What too look for, Pricing and Equipment  I know it can be rough to know what you want and what you need in these things.  After all, we just want a smooth quick shave that the ladies will like right?!  Well I was […] Read This...

What Your Alpha Beard Says About You

Have you ever wanted to know what your beard says about you? Yes – there is actually such a thing as a scholar for beard styles, and this man has revealed exactly what certain styles say about the person wearing them. Whether you realize it or not, the style of […] Read This...

Top 3 Sexiest Celebrity Beard Styles For 2014

  Want to see the best beard styles for 2014? These are worn by celebrities – so you know they’re good. As men, we’re always looking for that edge, whether it’s competitive or just to look good. Honestly, there aren’t many ways to get your girl lit up faster than […] Read This...

Crazy Tips To Get The Perfect Shave

It’s true that basic shaving can be quite easy. All you need to do is pick a razor and carefully drag it over your entire face. You need to make sure the stubble is completely gone. However, if you want the perfect shave, then you need to put a little […] Read This...