Start Here — Our Mission

There are two major purposes of this website. The first, most-important purpose is to help men make an educated decision when buying grooming products. There are thousands of different products out there, and it’s hard to make an educated buying decision when there aren’t many websites to turn to.

The majority of websites that offer reviews for razors, buzzers and other grooming products are biased; these websites serve as cash-cows for people who are simply too lazy to go the extra mile for you. This website aims to annihilate all of the misinformation and biased reviews.

Over time, you will find that this website becomes populated with reviews for all sorts of men’s grooming products. Although this will take some time, it will make this website an extremely-valuable resource for men everywhere. No biased content; the team and I are here to serve YOU.

If you’re looking to spend money on any type of grooming product, then you want to see the product in action – you want to actually SEE someone using it. How else can you know if they’ve used the product or not? Imitator websites, owned by people who just want to make affiliate commissions, are usually run by people who’ve never reviewed the products that they try to sell you. aims to change all of that FOREVER. This website will deliver the information that you need to make an educated purchase in two forms of content –video and text. If a grooming product sucks, then you will certainly find out here.

Major Purpose #2

The second major purpose of this website is to help men look better. The exact details of how this will be accomplished are still undecided. However, this goal will be accomplished with valuable tips and advice, which will hopefully be derived from personal experience, trial and error.

You will be able to learn how to trim facial hair, how to shave, how to achieve a desired look and much more. If this is your first time visiting this website, please subscribe to the email list. Browse the sidebar on the left to find the information that you need, and please, come back as often as you want!